Make a Difference
We would like to thank you for your interest and consideration in sponsoring The Mind of Mine Foundation. Our team is committed to helping end the stigma associated with mental health. We are confident that your support will raise our platform to new heights and help touch the lives of even more people who are dealing with mental illness.
Gold Sponsor ($250-$999)
Your company logo will be displayed in the banner on our website
Your company logo will be printed on to a sponsorship banner that will be displayed at all future events for the year
Social Media Advertising on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn
A formal letter of recognition from the organization, denoting our appreciation of your company’s sponsorship efforts.
You will receive a free Mind of Mine bracelet
Verbal announcements of sponsorship during the event
Platinum ($1000+)
Your company logo will be displayed in the banner on our website under Gold Sponsors
Your company logo will be printed on to a sponsorship banner that will be displayed at all future events for the year
Social Media Advertising on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn
A formal letter of recognition from the organization, denoting our appreciation of your company’s sponsorship efforts.
You will receive a few Mind of Mine T-Shirts and bracelets
Verbal announcements of sponsorship during the event
If you would like to contribute to our foundation in other ways, please contact us through email at: